Climate Action Leeds - Providing a platform for people, organisations and communities to come together to take action on climate change, in Leeds and beyond. Our collective purpose is to help shape a Leeds which is zero carbon, nature friendly, and socially just by the 2030s.
Hyde Park Source - An environmental charity in Leeds, focused on improving people's health and wellbeing by enhancing the environment of local areas.
Oblong - A development charity aimed in developing the capacity and skills of people living in socially and economically disadvantaged areas in such a way that they are better able to identify, and help meet, their needs and to create active, flourishing communities, and to run a community centre, primarily for the benefit of the Woodhouse, Little London, and Hyde Park areas.
Cardigan Centre - A community Centre working towards supporting the people and local groups of the Hyde Park and Burley areas of Leeds.
Bedford Fields - Community Forest Garden is an open access garden in Woodhouse, LS6, that aims to educate people on how forest gardening can be a viable alternative to food production, resilient to climactic and social change.
RoadBlock CIC - An initiative aiming to provide music, lights and entertainment using cycle power and batteries.